Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
The purpose of PB4L - school wide in Waterloo School is to support everyone to work together to find resolutions that have a positive result and build effective relationships.
Our school wide PB4L focuses on three core values of Be Responsible, Show Respect, Have Resilience.
It’s not about changing the students; it’s about changing the environment, systems and practices you have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choices.

Who is PB4L for?
It is aimed at creating a consistent approach around behaviour at the school.
POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING (PB4L) have practices that include:
~ A consistent school-wide system of support that helps define and teach and support appropriate
student behaviours, creating a positive school environment.
~ School-wide discipline practices including establishing clear consequences, instruction in social skills
and helping students regulate their own behaviour
~ A focus on the presentation of problem behaviours and instructions in appropriate behaviour
~ Helping teachers intervene effectively to manage behaviour in the classroom and other school
~ Active supervision in all areas of the school
~ Enabling the learning support team and PB4L team to monitor, plan and solve problems together.
Where has PB4L come from?
The Positive Behaviour for Learning School-wide framework is helping New Zealand Schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life.. For more information about PB4L in New Zealand please visit – http://pb4l.tki.org.nz/PB4L-School-Wide/What-is-PB4L-School-Wide